How to Create and Manage a Campaign


Access the CAMPAIGNS area and click on the CREATE A CAMPAIGN button, then follow the guided campaign creation process:

  1. Create your brand by entering the name and logo.
  2. Fill in the campaign information:
  • Choose the name and dates.
  • Provide contact details for the creator liaison.
  • Upload a cover image, add a brief description of the brand and campaign, and indicate the campaign objectives selected from the menu.
  • Set the budget and any tracking links (URL of the landing page to track).
  • Important Note: If your campaign does not involve monetary compensation for creators but other types of revenue, you can set your budget to 0.
  • If your campaign involves shipping one or more products, enable the flag and provide a description of the products you plan to send to creators.
  3.   Set up the campaign brief:
  • Upload up to 6 images or videos to your Moodboard: creators will use these inspirational contents to understand your brand's communication style and/or the direction you want to give to your campaign.
  • Insert do's & don'ts for campaign activities.
  • Specify the brief details to follow for each social platform and for each type of content you want to request from creators. Use the text editor to add links, bullet or numbered lists.
  • Add campaign hashtags that creators should use. Remember that the main campaign hashtag will be used to automatically generate the report. The Report collects all the content generated by participating creators within the campaign duration dates, only if they correctly contain the campaign hashtag.

Confirm activation to complete the creation of your campaign. You will find the campaign in the "Your campaigns" list in ACTIVE status. Click on the MANAGE button to start managing your new campaign, and access the Creator Manager.

You can now import creators into the Creator Manager: you can do this from Buzzoole Discovery or from Lists.

  • After adding creators in the "To invite" section, you can see their performances and the indicated prices.

Set the number of activities and your compensation proposal to invite a creator to participate in the campaign. Remember that if your campaign does not involve compensation but other types of revenue, you can invite creators by indicating 0 euros in the compensation proposal section.

By selecting multiple creators together through the checkboxes, you will see a toolbar where you can make a single modification and apply it to all.

After setting the activities and the economic offer, the invitation buttons will be enabled: you can then invite creators individually or select them all together using the checkboxes and clicking on "INVITE" from the toolbar.

Invited creators will move from the "To invite" section to the "Invited" section. Creators who accept your invitation will move to the "Participants" section, while those who reject it will move to the "Declined" section.

Concurrently with the activation of the first participant in the campaign, you will see the new area of the Content Review menu appear, where you can view, approve, or request a rework of the content that creators will submit for review (using the red and green buttons present on each content).

When a creator publishes all agreed-upon content, they will be automatically assigned compensation. At this point, the creator will be moved to the "Paid" section.

Remember that you can also manually and at your discretion advance the payment to one or more creators, if needed, even if the agreed-upon activities have not been completed.

The last section of the menu on the left is dedicated to your Campaign Report: in this section, you can monitor and analyse the performance of the content published by creators.


Use the trash can icon on the card of the campaign in question to delete it.

Important Note: It is not possible to delete a campaign in ACTIVE status."