Reading, Exporting, and Sharing Reports

How to Read the Report

Each tracking with its respective report is divided into different navigable areas:

  • Overview, the area dedicated to details about the tracked creators and contents. By clicking on the [+] at the bottom right in the Activated Creators box and in the Total Posts box, you can access the details of the creators involved in the campaign, along with the results obtained, and the details of the posts they have created, highlighting the metrics for each profile. By clicking on the [+] in the Creator Origin box, you can instead view the data related to the geolocation of the creators participating in the campaign.


In the Total Posts box, you can:

  • By clicking on "Add Post" at the top right, manually add a content if the report failed to automatically add a content, for example because the creator forgot to use the campaign hashtag.
  • By clicking on the pencil, modify the contents to make integrations on private insights provided by creators, such as Reach and Impressions, data not available if the creators involved in the campaign are of type "External Creator", that is, profiles not registered and verified on Buzzoole and that have not granted direct access to the data.
  • By clicking on the trash can, delete specific contents that you do not want to be included in the report.
  • Use the filter bar to filter the contents by social network, content type, or keyword.
  • By clicking on the 'Download content' button, download the previews of the creator's contents.

  • Engagement, a box dedicated to details regarding the interactions received by the campaign contents.

  • Audience Analytics, a box dedicated to details about the audience reached by the contents of the creators involved in the campaign: location, age, gender, and interests.

  • Campaign Trend, a box dedicated to details regarding the temporal trend of activities and interactions.

  • Top Post, a box dedicated to displaying the contents that have recorded the highest engagement, along with their respective metrics.

How to Export and/or Share a Campaign Report

Access the export options by clicking on the EXPORT button located at the top right of your report. The export is available in different formats, which are:

  • pdf (summary page);

  • ppt (more detailed page);

  • xls;

  • csv.

o you want to share the live report with your colleagues who do not have access to Buzzoole?

Use the SHARE option to obtain the shareable link with anyone; the page shown will always be updated with all the data. Remember that if you need to make the link private, you can do so at any time by disabling sharing.